Rules & Common Behaviour

The dojo offers the possibility to wildly explore rope art together. To do so, we need to establish a common culture and behaviour. The following lists contain the strict rules and guidelines of our dojo. The main goal is to build a common behaviour and to make our philosophy clear, as well as the direction we are working towards.

While some items should be common sense, others are personal choices made to create a particular atmosphere.


  • You need to be at least 18 years old to attend any Dojo event.
  • Ropes, blindfolds and bamboos are the only accepted accessories.
  • Pictures, videos and sound recordings are not permitted at any time. (Drawing is very much welcome)
  • No drinks or food on the tatamis.
  • Do not change or add any suspension points nor move any equipment in the dojo without preliminary authorisation.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly forbidden during any activity at the dojo.
  • It is forbidden to smoke inside the dojo; an ashtray is available outside.
  • Ropes will be lent to those who do not have their own. Please do not use borrowed ropes as crotch ropes, mouth ropes or in any way that will dirty them; if it happens, then please isolate the ‘dirty’ ropes and tell the organisers.
  • The organisers reserve the right to remove or refuse access to the location, at any time, for any reason, without explanation.
  • All participants must state that they are aware of this set of rules and accept them.


  • The space is dedicated to practice, socialisation, and being with others who enjoy our art.
  • You are very welcome to come alone: to discover, watch, meet or try.
  • This is not PEER rope, so please refrain from giving tuition during the Jam (even to a friend).
  • There will be fruit, vegetables, and sometimes cakes or savory snacks – feel free to help yourself.
  • There will be herbal tea and tea in the space too – feel free to help yourself.
  • Please tell the organisers if you have any allergy.
  • Suspension, rope neck, or any other risky practice will be only be permitted to people who have been trained by a well-known Teacher/Presenter/Sensei. Such practices are at your own risk!


  • Rope practice does not require a specific style of dress, so be yourself : all kinds of clothing are accepted, except clothes that could harm our tatami.
  • However, as body activity causes sweat, wearing non-slippery clothing would be wise.
  • Toplessness is welcome, bottomlessness forbidden. Panties/Briefs/boxer shorts/etc., please keep them on.
  • Out of respect for our neighbours, please be quiet and wear city clothing upon your arrival or departure. This includes temporarily going outside for a smoke.
  • Leave your shoes and coat at the entrance area and put your bags on the designated shelves. A place will be available to change clothes.


  • No toplessness, for any gender, unless explicitly stated. Season workshop and Weekend could be topless)
  • Be a Pair/Duo – The exception is, of course, the switch classes (One Day to Start – One Week for Switch)
  • Have your own material – not necessary for the One Day to Start but welcome.
  • Do not arrive more than 15 minutes before the start of the tuition, as we need time for setup.
  • No recording at all of music, photography or video ! Be present ! (Notes and drawings are accepted)
  • When the Educator asks to untie, please start right away. Any delay could disturb the class and other participants.


  • Every session or study is based on consent. We generally use “STOP” when a session has to be immediately stopped and “NO” when a participant is doing something non-consensual/dangerous/… and needs to change his/her action or behaviour. For people who like to use “NO” and “STOP” in a theatrical way, we advise to use “YELLOW” and “RED”.
  • If you use other codes or have a consensual-non-consent relationship, then please let the space manager/presenter/helper know in advance.
  • In the rope/play space, please avoid having long conversations or keep the volume very low out of respect for the others.
  • On the tatami, please avoid any conversation that is not related to the particular rope exchange happening at the time.
  • Please do not use your phone in the rope space. Put it on silent mode as ringing or vibrations might disturb others.
  • Respect other peoples’ personal space. Do not interrupt any scene that you are not part of. Do not touch other people or their belongings (e.g. ropes) without permission.
  • When you watch a session, do so at a reasonable distance so as not to be intrusive (except in an emergency situation).
  • Beverages and food are strictly prohibited on the tatami.
  • Please take your garbage with you. Do not leave it behind in our space.
  • It is forbidden to touch, grab or use somebody else’s material without asking first.
  • Politics/Religion/etc. can be softly expressed and discussed, but please don’t forget that the dojo is about rope study and if you have the urge to debate, there are a lot of nice coffee places around.


  • Do not hesitate to ask for help (to release, support, untie or get help with any stressful situation) at any moment, as a person who is tying or as a person who is getting tied.
  • Any participant has to make him/herself available to help somebody else in case of an emergency. (Meaning, in particular, in case of emergency and for the sake of it, anybody can be touched by anybody).
  • However, too many people helping can also be counterproductive or stressful in an emergency suspension situation. Generally, a good way to do it is to have:
    • one person to unload the weight
    • one person to undo the suspension line
    • one person preparing water and a cover for the person in rope
    • and, once the person in rope is safe, please leave space for both partners to process the situation (unless requested otherwise).


  • They are here to contribute to a long term good atmosphere, creativity and safety.
  • Please follow their guidance and ask them questions about any doubts you may have.
  • They are, by definition, part of your session; your session is in the Dojo and they manage the place, so they have the right to ask you to stop or confirm that everything is okay if they have any doubts.
  • Even if you are not a space manager/presenter/helper but you have some experience in our dojo as part of it, then please help newcomers and be present for any bad behaviour or emergency situation.

The list will certainly be updated regularly and evolve.